The Holy Spirit in Qur’an
The Holy Spirit has been mentioned in the Quran several times .And many questions rose about the identity of the Holy Spirit in the Quran. Many of the questions come from our Christian brothers and sisters who wonder if the Holy Spirit in the Quran is the third of their Trinity beliefs.
Quran is very clear in naming the Holy Spirit
Quran is very clear in denouncing Trinity (5:73) and affirming the Oneness of God Almighty. (112:1-4). The Holy Spirit in the Quran is clearly defined as the Angel Gabriel who has been the angel-messenger between The Almighty God and the human beings, e.g. Mary, Jesus, and prophet Muhammed.
In reference to Gabriel, the Arabic Quran calls him; “Ruhhil-Qudus” (Holy Spirit), “Ruuhanaa” (Our Spirit), “Ruuhul-‘Amiin” (The Honest Spirit) and “Al-Ruh’ ” (The Spirit).Thus, when reading the verses in the Quran, the whole Quran, we see that Gabriel is the Holy and Honest Bearer of Revelations.Also, We learn from 2:97 that these references are indeed talking about Gabriel.
The Holy Spirit position
- [Quran 2:97] Say, “Anyone who opposes Gabriel should know that he has brought down this (Quran) into your heart.In accordance with God’s will, confirming previous scriptures, and providing guidance and good news for the believers.”
To understand the connection between the Angel Gabriel and calling him the Spirit, the Holy Spirit and the Honest Spirit in the Quran we should also read all related verses, 16:102 & 26:192-193.
- [Quran 16:102] Say, “The Holy Spirit has brought it (Quran) down from your Lord, truthfully, to assure those who believe, and to provide a beacon and good news for the submitters.”
- [Quran 26:192] This (Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the universe.
[Quran 26:193] The Honest Spirit (Gabriel) came down with it.
More verses in Qur’an mentioned The Holy Spirit
Thus, the following verses from the Quran are also talking about Gabriel.
- [Quran 5:110] God will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My blessings upon you and your mother. I supported you with the Holy Spirit, to enable you to speak to the people from the crib, as well as an adult. I taught you the scripture, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel.
- [Quran 19:17-19] While a barrier separated her from them, we sent to her our Spirit. He went to her in the form of a human being. She said, “I seek refuge in the Most Gracious, that you may be righteous.” He said, “I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure son.”
- [Quran 78:38] The day will come when the Spirit and the angels will stand in a row. None will speak except those permitted by the Most Gracious, and they will utter only what is right.
- [Quran 97:4] The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by their Lord’s leave, to carry out every command.
The Holy Spirit and other angles
It is interesting that God chose to mention the ” Spirit and the angels” in these last two verses . In the Arabic language it is not unusual to specify part of a whole group to emphasize the significance of that part. Quran has many examples like these, e.g.. in 55:68 God talks about fruits, dates and pomegranate to emphasize the last two kinds of fruits.
[Quran 55:68] In them are fruits, date palms, and pomegranate.In 2:238 God talks about prayer and the middle prayer to emphasize its significance of the middle prayer .
We should also know that the Arabic word “Roh” has been used in the Quran to mean the “revelation from God” as in 16:2, 17:85 and 40:15 .It also means the soul in many other verses, e.g. 21:91, 66:12, 15:29, 38:72.etc.
In conclusion, the “Holy Spirit” in the Quran refers to the angle Gabriel and has nothing to do with Trinity or part of a Trinity. Trinity is denounced in the strongest language in the Quran.